7 Ways to Sing A Great Audition

7 Ways to Sing a Great Audition
SINGING           www.thevocalspa.com

 Do your research - What is expected?
Before going to that audition, it's important to know what the requirements are.  A broadway or classical audition might require you to sing, move and do a monologue.  A praise team audition might require you to sing a worship song and give a statement about how you came to know Christ.  A televised competition like The Voice or Sunday Best, might require you to sing from a certain list of songs and sign many legal documents if you pass the audition. A college music department might require a video recording before you are invited to audition live.  Know the requirements and be prepared.

Create a calendar and develop your network- Make a Plan
Some companies hold auditions at the same time each year - they operate within an audition season.
Opera companies, choral societies, televised competitions and Music Departments at Universities follow this pattern making them easy to schedule.  

Worship teams, church choirs, artists who need background singers, session work, and traveling plays have a much more fluid audition schedule - or they may be filled by word of mouth recommendations.  Here's where developing a network is very helpful.

Sing what you sing best  - Do You
 There's an old saying - "If you fell out of bed at 3am, what song could you sing perfectly?"  The pressure of an audition can make even a seasoned performer extremely nervous. When you are anxious, your mind and body do unexpected things. To increase your odds of doing well, choose a song that you love and that you have successfully sung many times before.  Muscle memory will kick in helping you to perform as you have in the past, despite the pressure of the moment.
Take Voice Lessons - Study (find out more)
If you are serious about becoming a professional singer, you’ll need a good teacher.  Singers with long careers study with good teachers whose ears and advice they trust.  As a beginning singer, try to avoid online and skype lessons at first.  While well meaning, it is virtually impossible for these methods to set you on a path to growth and true improvement.
Move Your Body - Exercise (find out more)
Ever noticed how extreme nerves can cause your heart to pound, make it hard to catch your breath and give you sweaty palms? This is exactly what happens to your body when you exercise.  Regular exercise can help diminish performance anxiety.
Drink Water - Hydrate( find out more)
Your body loses a great deal of water each day from breathing, perspiration, exercise and urination.  In order for your vocal cords to work properly, your body has to be properly hydrated.  It is a good idea to stop drinking caffeinated beverages and increase water intake for several days preceding your audition.   
Eat Clean  - Nutrition (Find out more)
It’s a good idea to limit salt and sugar intake for a few days prior to an audition. Excess amounts of either can cause the vocal cords to swell leading to hoarseness.
Instead, add fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats/fish to your diet.  These foods nourish the body so you will have energy to manage the stress of waiting for and singing your audition.
Which tip was most helpful to you?  Tell me in the comments below!

Stay well. Sing Beautifully

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