Well, if you have read any of the Vocal Spa articles, you have definitely heard me allude to health and fitness.

Vocal training must include wellness training.  Why?  It's simple.  Since a singer's instrument is their body, complete vocal training must address how the body is designed to work best.  Once you know these things, it will be easy to make new choices, break bad habits and set yourself on the path to vocal freedom. 

Here's the inescapable truth:  Until you become disciplined about managing your health and fitness at a high level, it is unlikely that you will see the vocal results you are truly capable of.

Here, I will share the tips and tools that have worked for me and countless other singers over the years.  Believe me, you're about to learn much more than "Don't consume milk products before you sing."  "Only drink room temperature water before a performance."  "Avoid carbonated beverages."  There are so many ideas like this floating around.  Often, singers believe that doing these things will produce almost magical results.   Do these tips work?  Of course they do.  All cliches are based in truth.   Still, I know many singers who can consume milk, drink a soda, chase it with ice water and go on to give a stellar performance!  What I'm really saying is,  understanding how to sing at your best must go deeper than repeating a few well-worn phrases.  

I want to give you the in-depth understanding that will make your body fit, strong and well nourished in the way a singer needs to be.  This is the best way to improve vocal longevity and eliminate some of the physical challenges singers face.

Have you ever wondered about the wellness-singing connection?  

Have you ever thought about how you'd perform if you could just be free from allergies? Is it possible to sing often without producing all the phlegm you do now?  Can you imagine how much more energy you would have during performances if you could just lose that extra 15, 50 or even 100 pounds?  Have you ever considered how your stress level and lack of sleep ultimately affects your ability to sing well?  As you review the information and other resources I provide here, I believe you will grow in understanding. That understanding will lead to wisdom.  What's the difference between the two?  Understanding is having the information but wisdom is knowing how and when to apply it.

I want to ask you to do one thing right now.  Begin to think of yourself as an athlete.  You've heard me say it before, "singing is an athletic endeavor."  If taking care of your body is not a priority for you right now,  change your thinking.  You were designed to sing easily and well for a lifetime.  Let's make a commitment to learn how!

3 John 1:2  Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. (NIV)

Stay well, sing beautifully

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Steady Faith Book for Students
  • Steady Faith Book for Students

Steady Faith Book for Students

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Because of you, 500 students will receive access my leadership book, Steady Faith. With your generous gift, we'll send copies to high school libraries as well as to individual students.

Thank you for caring enough to help mentor this generation of young leaders!

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